Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pennsylvania Travelogue

I know, I'm all over the place!  China, Hong Kong, Macau...Pennsylvania?  I'm all out of order, I actually started out this trip with a long weekend in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, visiting my alma mater, Bucknell University to speak on a panel about creativity in the workplace.  I think the panel talk went really well, and it was fun to be back on campus for the first time.
Yay college!
My college BFF Gina drove up and joined me for the weekend.  We had an awesome time as usual, doing that amazing girl thing where we giggle about nothing.
Gina, in front of my favorite turreted house.

Rural Pennsylvania is the sort of place where nothing happens, but I had forgotten how amazing the historic architecture can be.
I don't even like colonial styles, but sometimes they're striking.
And in Lewisburg, PA, the historicness just keeps coming!  Even under renovation, this house was gorgeous:
Wasn't I just saying how much I love wedding cake architecture?
Hellooooo colonial wedding cake!  Nice to meetcha!  Gina brought her adorable dog Pierre and we had a great time running around our old stomping grounds.
Best of all, the weather was perfect, crisp and clear and sunny.  The perfect weather to complement the best fall activity:
Playing in the leaves!  Oh deciduousity, I've missed you!

The weekend was really fun and to kick off a long trip with an old friend was really great.  If you want to read about my talk, you can see more info here:   (I basically blathered on about creativity and how important it is to my work.  I'm not at all sure I was coherent, but hopefully the pink hair helped convince everyone I'm creative and fun, right?  Right??)  Anyway, it was a great weekend.

I'm about to go back to China and so far I haven't figured out a way around the China web censorship, which is really making blogging hard.  Stay tuned for more adventures in travel as soon as the real internet and I meet again!

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