2. Make jam.
5. Go grocery shopping on my bike.
6. Finish my year-end photo albums.
7. Take Fred to Lost Lake.
8. Rearrange the backyard.
9. Eat at the Space Needle.
12. Have a really girly slumber party.
13. Play a round of mini-golf.
14. Get the craft room sorted and gorgeousified.
16. Have an individual date with each NGS.
17. Go for a hike.
18. Plan and cook a week’s worth of dinners.
20. Perfect a signature recipe (one slightly more nutritional than Bundt cake.)
21. Go to the drive-in movies.
22. Get a mani-pedi every month. (Done for Jan, Feb, March, April and May)
24. Find the perfect shade of lipstick.
25. Host a big tea party in the back yard.
26. Make a quilt top.
27. Take six dance classes of any kind. (THREE down. Love the Little Red Hen.)
29. Organize our finances and filing system.
30. Plan an awesome 30th birthday party.Hi guys! I'm back! I survived two wonderful weeks in Croatia and I'm slowly getting back to the land of the living. Croatia was aaaaaamazing. Don't believe me?
Dubrovnik - So gorgeous and historic.
Yes, that wall behind me is from the 15th century. Yes, that is an orange tree behind me. Yes, it was like heaven.
My mom and I on our patio on the island of Korcula. Yeah, that was our pool. And that's the Adriatic behind it. Again, pretty much like heaven.
Unfortunately, going to Croatia was NOT on my 30 Before 30. (Is it too late to write that in? Because it was a big life accomplishment!) However, the weekend after I got back, the husband and I went to Orcas Island for Memorial Day. We stayed in a yurt and managed to cross off #15, #11, and #4 all in one weekend. Good work, team!
First, we took the ferry to Orcas Island. In typical taking the ferry style, it was beautiful but chilly. Case in point:

We stayed at a little place called Doe Bay Resort, which is a charming hippie oasis on the far end of the island. They have their own tiny beach, a bunch of cabins, six yurts, two geodesic domes, and a bunch of campsites. They also have a great spa, with hot mineral tubs overlooking the bay and a sauna, and a localtarian restaurant. It was a great place to stay, we stayed in Neptune Yurt and we were 20 steps from the beach which was awesome. The view from our yurt looked like this:
Our yurt with the beach in the background. Gorgeous! (If we went back we would probably stay in Orcas Yurt or Sweet Spot yurt which have more scenic views, although they are farther from the beach.) The yurt was basic, but felt luxe compared to camping. Imagine having a bed already made for you, with pillows and everything! We brought our own roll-up camp table and wooden chairs, and our own fancy picnic basket to facilitate #4. I think over the course of the weekend we had at least three picnics, so I think I can officially cross #4 off the list!
We spent all day on Sunday at Moran State Park. We began with a drive to the top of Mount Constitution. The top of the lookout is so tiny it's hard to take good pictures, but Fred held the camera above his head and managed to take this gem:
We spent all day on Sunday at Moran State Park. We began with a drive to the top of Mount Constitution. The top of the lookout is so tiny it's hard to take good pictures, but Fred held the camera above his head and managed to take this gem:
It might be my favorite photo of the whole trip. At least there is no doubt about who is in the photo.
We paused halfway down the mountain for picnic #1. If I live to be 100 years old, I might never enjoy a picnic as scenic as this one. Proof:
Unreal. I expected Julie Andrews to pop out from behind a tree at any moment and go gaily singing across the hill.
After that we went peddleboating on Mountain Lake. I love peddleboating. My love is rooted in a weird family tradition, but there's just something about slowly peddling a boat around a lake that really does it for me. What can I say?
Yay peddleboating! Did I mention it was sunny? It was sunny and super gorgeous almost the whole time and it felt GOOD.
We noodled around that night and had dinner at Doe Bay, enjoyed the sauna and headed home the next morning. A long ferry ride gave us time for one last picnic.
If you are going to Orcas any time in the near future, I really recommend Doe Bay. Need further convincing? Here is the hubby checking out the sealife. Shortly after this photo, we spied a school of porpoises in the water. Unfortunately, it was hard to convince them to hold still for a portrait, so you'll just have to imagine.
Thanks Orcas Island, for a rocking good time. We'll be back!
It all looks so totally and utterly fabulous! Well done! :)